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Monday, Jun. 02, 2003, 1:44 p.m.: satisfaction guaranteed...

The sun is finally shining. It's a bit windy, but compared to the monsoon [sp] like weather we've been getting...this is heaven. I wrapped up my last 3 shows this w/e. A couple of screw ups from some people, but nothing too noticeable. The last day was the best...of course. I was finally totally comfortable on stage and never had a moment of detachment. Sometimes it happens to you when you're up there, especially if people are fucking up, you tend to detach here and there b/c you're so conscious of the fuck-ups. I tend to be very good with improvisation...it's good. I think I had mentioned that I had liked the 2nd cast better than the first...well, I lied through my teeth! I felt totally fucked on stage with them, that once I was back to cast #1 I was completely loving it! I went out with some of the cast Friday night, but Saturday I hung out instead with my friends who came to see me. When I finished my last show Sunday, I had to go finish shooting the last scene for this film. So that too is done now. I have free time to work on any other projects.

In this week alone, I'll be done another 2 to add to my resume. The only shitty thing is that it takes so long to get the actual footage of youself. So while I'm looking to make a demo reel for any of my potential agents...I have to wait for these fuckers to get me my shit. It is very frustrating you know?! I think I'm going to go and add this stuff to my resume right now so that, this coming Wednesday, when I go for this interview [for a part I want] it'll look better than it does now. I'm coming to the point where I'm not satisfied with the work I'm doing again. I can feel it approaching everytime. There's always further to go or harder to push. The limits are constantly being tested. One day, somewhere and @ some point I'll be satisfied...I think...maybe? ;)

Love, CAT xXx
