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Thursday, Sept. 07, 2006, 11:04 a.m.: wow...


I got a new job! I start next week. It's in the same industry but I have the opportunity to make alot more money than I do now...AND I'm my own boss. I make my own hours, etc. I'm totally excited but it's only commision based and I've never worked that way bf. We'll see how it goes. My world has just be spun into a whirl-wind and it's getting my horny!!! On a new shitty note, I had a call-back last week for a commercial. It was my first and I blew it. I cracked under the tension and flubbed my lines to no end. It shoots on the 15th and I don't think I got it. If I did, it would be a miracle. Is Lukas from RockStar Supernova not the cutest thing on earth. I've have this attachment to him, since finding out he was born on my birthdate.


I keep trying to get ahold of an old friend of mine, from diaryland, and she keeps ignoring my attempts. A little common fucking courtesy please!! IF, you happen to be reading this [and you know who you are] then ANSWER ME!!!! Fuck.

PS-RIP Crockodile Hunter
